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-- Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes

An Archive of sub/tropical and remote ozonesonde data
NDACC Sonde Working Group

  • The NDACC Sonde Working Group is responsible for the activities pertaining to ozonesondes, water vapor and aerosol sondes.

  • The working group representatives on the steering committee are:
    Dr. Ryan M. Stauffer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA;
    Dr. Roeland Van Malderen, Royal Meteorological Institute, Uccle, Belgium;
    Dr. Elizabeth (Lizzy) Asher, NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory (GML), Boulder, CO, USA;

  • There are 28 active NDACC ozonesonde stations (see Map and Table below for locations and station data contacts).

  • There are 8 active NDACC water vapor sonde stations (see Map and Table below for locations and station data contacts).

  • The data for the NDACC ozonesonde and water vapor sonde stations can be found at the NDACC Data Housing Facility (DHF) and is listed by the station.

  • There are 3 active Balloon Baseline Stratospheric Aerosol Profiles (B2SAP) aerosol sonde sites in the northern and southern hemisphere mid-latitudes and tropics: Boulder, Colorado, USA; Hilo, Hawaii, USA; Lauder, New Zealand. More information on aerosol sondes can be found at the B2SAP site and the data is available here. The primary contact for this data is: Alexandre Baron (NOAA CSL; with Lizzy Asher ( as the secondary contact. Additionally, the longest continuous record of in situ stratospheric aerosol measurements in the world has been completed at Laramie, Wyoming, 1971-2020, comprising nearly 400 individual balloon flights. These measurements since 1989 are contained in the digital archive here. The measurements from Laramie from 1971 – 1988 are available on the NDACC Data Housing Facility (DHF).

    NDACC map

    NDACC Ozonesonde Stations - Northern Hemisphere
    Station Latitude Longitude Station Sonde Contact
    Alert, Canada82.50-62.33David W. Tarasick (ECCC)
    Eureka, Canada80.05-86.42David W. Tarasick (ECCC)
    Ny-Aalesund, Norway78.9211.93Peter von der Gathen (AWI)
    Scoresbysund, Greenland70.48-21.97Nis Jepsen (DMI)
    Sodankyla, Finland67.3726.65Rigel Kivi (FMI)
    Legionowo, Poland52.4020.97Bogumil Kois (IMGW-PIB)
    Lindenberg, Germany52.2114.12Peter Oelsner(DWD)
    DeBilt, The Netherlands52.105.18Ankie Piters (KNMI)
    Uccle, Belgium50.804.35Roeland Van Malderen (RMI)
    Praha-Libus, Czech Republic50.0114.45Pavla Skrivankova (CHMI)
    Hohenpeissenberg, Germany47.8011.02Wolfgang Steinbrecht (DWD)
    Payerne, Switzerland46.826.95Eliane Maillard Barras (MeteoSwiss)
    Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), France43.945.71Gerard Ancellet (LATMOS-IPSL)
    Boulder, Colorado, USA39.99-105.26Bryan Johnson (NOAA GML)
    Wallops Island, Virginia, USA37.93-75.47Ryan M. Stauffer (NASA)
    Izana, Tenerife, Spain28.30-16.48Carlos Torres (AEMET)
    Hilo, Hawaii, USA19.72-155.07Bryan Johnson (NOAA GML)
    Paramaribo, Suriname5.75-55.20Ankie Piters (KNMI)

    NDACC Ozonesonde Stations - Southern Hemisphere
    Station Latitude Longitude Station Sonde Contact
    Natal, Brazil-5.83-35.20Ryan M. Stauffer (NASA)
    American Samoa, US-14.25-170.56Bryan Johnson (NOAA GML)
    La Reunion Island, France-20.9055.50Jerome Brioude (Univ. de la Réunion)
    Broadmeadows, Australia-37.69144.95Matt Tully (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)
    Lauder, New Zealand-45.04169.68Richard Querel (NIWA)
    Macquarie Island, Australia-54.50158.95Matt Tully (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)
    Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica-66.67140.00Julien Jumelet (LATMOS-IPSL)
    Neumayer Station, Antarctica-70.628.37Peter von der Gathen and Marcus Rex (AWI)
    Belgrano II Station, Antarctica-77.87-34.62Margarita Yela (INTA)
    South Pole, Antarctica-90.00-169.00Bryan Johnson (NOAA GML)

    NDACC Water Vapor Sonde Stations
    Station Latitude Longitude Station Sonde Contact
    Ny-Aalesund, Norway78.9211.92Marion Maturilli (AWI)
    Sodankyla, Finland67.3726.63Rigel Kivi (FMI)
    Lindenberg, Germany52.2114.12Ruud Dirksen(DWD)
    Boulder, Colorado, USA39.95-105.2Elizabeth Asher (NOAA GML)
    Beltsville, Maryland, USA39.06-76.88Belay Demoz (UMBC)
    Hilo, Hawaii, USA19.72-155.05Elizabeth Asher (NOAA GML)
    San Jose, Costa Rica9.94-84.04Ryan M. Stauffer (NASA)
    Lauder, New Zealand-45.04169.68Elizabeth Asher (NOAA GML)

    NEW Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) REPORT for Ozonesonde Best Practices and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
    • WMO/GAW Report No. 268, 2021: Smit, H. G. J., Thompson, A. M., and ASOPOS panel, Ozonesonde Measurement Principles and Best Operational Practices, ASOPOS (Assessment of Standard Operating Procedures for Ozonesondes) 2.0, WMO Global Atmosphere Watch report series, No. 268, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva. [Available online at].

    • This report is an update to the first ASOPOS Guidebook that was published in 2014: GAW Report No. 201 [Smit and ASOPOS, 2014; reference below]. The update is based on analyses of reprocessed sonde data since 2015, laboratory tests of ozonesonde components and the 2017 Jülich OzoneSonde Intercomparison Experiment (JOSIE; Thompson et al., 2019; reference below).
    • Topics in the report include:
    • 1) Measurement principles of the ozonesonde instrument, the uncertainty parameters affecting the measurement and revised data processing protocols.
    • 2) Expanded guidelines on data quality indicators and the rationale for enhanced metadata.
    • 3) New recommendations on sonde preparation steps and metadata collection.
    • 4) Appendices covering practical guidelines including how to homogenize historical ozonesonde records.

    • With adoption of these SOP’s, the global ozonesonde community has the potential to achieve the 5% uncertainty level in tropospheric and stratospheric ozone requested by the satellite and trends communities.

    Other Relevant Reports and Publications for Ozonesonde Quality Assurance:
    • Stauffer, R. M., A. M. Thompson, D. Kollonige, D. Tarasick, R. Van Malderen, H. G.J. Smit, H. Vömel, G. Morris, B. J. Johnson, P. Cullis, R. Stübi, J. Davies, and M. M. Yan (2022). An Examination of the Recent Stability of Ozonesonde Global Network Data, Earth and Space Science, 9(10),
    • Tarasick, D.W., H.G.J. Smit, A.M. Thompson G.A. Morris, J.C. Witte, J. Davies, T. Nakano, R. van Malderen, R.M. Stauffer, T. Deshler, B.J. Johnson, R. Stübi, S.J. Oltmans and H. Vömel, 2021: Improving ECC ozonesonde data quality: Assessment of current methods and outstanding issues, Earth and Space Science, 8, e2019EA000914,
    • Vömel, H., H.G.J. Smit, D. Tarasick, B.J. Johnson, S.J. Oltmans, H. Selkirk, A.M. Thompson, R.M. Stauffer, J.C. Witte, J. Davies, R. Van Malderen, G.A. Morris, T. Nakano and R. Stübi, 2020: A new method to correct the ECC ozone sonde time response and its implications for “background current” and pump efficiency, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 56675680,
    • Thompson, A.M., H.G.J. Smit, J.C. Witte, R.M. Stauffer, B.J. Johnson, G.A. Morris, P. von der Gathen, R. van Malderen, J. Davies, A. Piters, M. Allaart, F. Posny, R. Kivi, P. Cullis, Nguyen T.H. Ahn, E. Corrales, T. Machinini, F.R. daSilva, G. Paiman, K Thiong’o, A. Zainal, G.B. Brothers, K.R. Wolff, T. Nakano, R. Stübi, G. Romanens, G.J.R. Coetzee, J.A. Diaz, S. Mitro, M. ‘bt Mohamad and S.-Y. Ogino, 2019: Ozonesonde quality assurance: The JOSIE-SHADOZ (2017) experience, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100,
    • GAW Report No. 201, 2014: Smit, H.G.J., and the ASOPOS Panel, Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Ozonesonde Measurements in GAW, WMO Global Atmosphere Watch Report Series, No. 201, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva. [Available online at:]

    NDACC Sonde Working Group Updates and Presentations:
  • Updates: Information for Next Sonde Working Group Meeting Coming Soon!
  • Recent Presentations: