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TRAnsport & Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P)
TRACE-P DC-8 Status Updates |
Note that not all dates within this period may be available.
48 & 72 hour forecasts are generated (Select "current" forecast to get the latest available)
Product | Image Label in Archive |
Air Parcel Exposure to Aircraft Products | Fuel, NOx, HC, CO [kg/day] EAYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Theta sfc's = 300, 330, 340 |
Lightning Exposure | ELYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Theta sfc's = 300, 330, 340 |
Reverse domain fill - Modified Potential Vorticity |
Meteorological Quantities | PTYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Theta sfc's = 300, 330, 340 PPYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Press sfc's = 250, 300, 500, 700, 850, 925mb |
Dust Exposure | EDYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Constant 300 Theta sfc |
Regional TOMS Aerosol | TNYYYYMMDD, Daily plots |
Global TOMS Aerosol | TSYYYYMMDD, Daily plots |
Regional Lightning | LNYYYYMMDD, Daily plots |
Global Lightning | LOYYYYMMDD, Daily plots |
TOMS Direct Ozone in the Trop. | TDYYYYMMDD, Clear Sky Radiances, Daily plots |
SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth -865 | SAYYYYMMDD, Overpass Images |
SeaWiFS Cloud Imagery | SCYYYYMMDD, Overpass Images |
SeaWiFS Angstrom-510 | SAYYYYMMDD, Overpass Images |
SeaWiFS Chlorophyll (ocean color) | SOYYYYMMDD, Overpass Images |
Product | Image Label in Archive |
Air Parcel Exposure to Aircraft Products | Fuel, NOx, HC, CO [kg/day] EAYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Theta sfc's = 300, 330, 340 |
Lightning Exposure | ELYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Theta sfc's = 300, 330, 340 |
Reverse domain fill - Modified Potential Vorticity |
Meteorological Quantities | PTYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Theta sfc's = 300, 330, 340 PPYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Press sfc's = 250, 300, 500, 700, 850, 925mb |
Dust Exposure | EDYYYYMMDDHH_FHXX, Constant 300 Theta sfc |
Regional TOMS Aerosol | TNYYYYMMDD, Daily plots |
Global TOMS Aerosol | TSYYYYMMDD, Daily plots |
Regional Lightning | LNYYYYMMDD, Daily plots |
Global Lightning | LOYYYYMMDD, Daily plots |
TOMS Direct Ozone in the Trop. | TDYYYYMMDD, Clear Sky Radiances, Daily plots |
SeaWiFS Aerosol Optical Depth -865 | SAYYYYMMDD, Overpass Images |
SeaWiFS Cloud Imagery | SCYYYYMMDD, Overpass Images |
SeaWiFS Angstrom-510 | SAYYYYMMDD, Overpass Images |
SeaWiFS Chlorophyll (ocean color) | SOYYYYMMDD, Overpass Images |
Principal Investigator: Dr. Anne M. Thompson And Responsible NASA Official NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch Code 916, Greenbelt, MD 20771 thompson@gator1.gsfc.nasa.gov phone:   301-614-5731 fax:   301-614-5903 |
Team Members: T. L. Kucsera (TOMS products manager)- SSAI at GSFC tlk@code916.gsfc.nasa.gov K. E. Pickering - UMD pickerin@metosrv2.umd.edu R. D. Hudson - UMD hudson@metosrv2.umd.edu A. D. Frolov - UMD frolov@metosrv2.umd.edu C. R. McClain (SeaWiFS data manager) - GSFC mcclain@calval.gsfc.nasa.gov |
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