SEACIONS - Southeast Asia Composition, Cloud, Climate Coupling Regional Study (SEAC4RS) will take place in August and September of 2012. This deployment will address key questions regarding the influence of Asian emissions on clouds, climate, and air quality as well as fundamental satellite observability of the system.
Arctic Intensive Ozonesonde Network Study - A North American ozonesonde
network operating in the high-latitudes to look at springtime polar outflow
and summertime boreal forest fire impacts on tropospheric ozone budgets.
Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft
and Satellites (ARCTAS) addresses the need to better understand the
Arctic atmospheric composition and climate. ARC-IONS (Intensive
Ozonesonde Network Study) complements ARCTAS with a strategic sonde
network of a dozen of more high-latitude stations retrieving ozone and
temperature profiles during two three week deployments in the spring
and summer.
TC4 (Tropical Composition, Cloud & Climate Coupling) (July 2007).
Investigate the structure,
properties and processes in the tropical Eastern Pacific. Plan TC-4 aircraft flights to
validate satellite data and to provide critical observations not available
from the satellites. High altitude aircraft will collect tropopause data while the medium altitude aircraft
will provide profiles and structure measurements of the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
PACific Dust EXperiment (April-May 2007).
Identify the principle cloud-active aerosol in the Asian plume. Identify changes in the cloud hydrometeor size
in regions of enhanced cloud active aerosol. Document the solar changes in the plume vertical structure in clear
and cloudy regions. Document near and far from source changes in the plume.
Compare the in-situ vertical structure observed from the aircraft upwind and near the ground stations.
INtercontinental Transport EXperiment (March - May, 2006) focuses on Mexico City and Asian pollution outflow. |
INtercontinental Transport EXperiment (June - August, 2004) An integrated atmospheric chemistry field experiment to quantify North American
export/import of ozone and its precursors, aerosols, and long-lived greenhouse gases. |
INTEX-B Ozonesonde Network Study - An intensive of three combined campaigns
(MIRAGE, INTEX-NA, and NEAQS) to study Asian pollution inflow to western North
America and NA export of polution to Europe. 16 ozonesounding stations in the
USA, Canada and Mexico launches daily to weekly (March - August, 2006). |
INTEX-NA Ozonesonde Network Study - A campaign to examine summertime
pollution over eastern North America using a consortium of 11 ozonesounding
stations in the USA and Canada (July-August, 2004). |
Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes - The Tropical and Sub-tropical Ozonesonde Data Set for Satellite Validation,
Processing and Modeling. |
AErosol RObotic NETwork - An optical ground based aerosol monitoring network and data archive. |
Balloon Experiment on Standards for Ozone Sondes (2004) - A balloon experiment to improve ozonesonde instrumentation procedures. |
TRAnsport & Chemical Evolution over the Pacific - A NASA/GTE Aircraft Mission over the Asian Pacific 2001. |